A malicious virus has infected the entire human population, transforming its members into...something else. After a quick introduction (and a messy hit-and-run), an ambulance and its four passengers are introduced. Together with two police officers, Sonia (Helene de Fougerolles) and Marco (Francis Renaud) are traveling in a car. As they go to the mythical research facility NOAH, which is rumored to be infection-free and working on a cure, tensions develop amongst them, and circumstances force Sonia and Marco to seek refuge in an abandoned structure. She is seemingly resistant to the virus, is pregnant, and in love... she recognizes that he has been afflicted. Her love for him prevents her from giving up on finding a cure, so she endeavors to survive the onslaught of infected, attacks from still-human marauders, and the mounting threat posed by the father of her child.
Released: 2009-05-06