Humankind is annihilated in a post-apocalyptic future, and the fantastic races of ancient legend emerge to repopulate the planet. In fulfillment of an ancient prophecy, a queen of the faeries bears twin sons, one good and the other aggressively evil. They are doomed to clash in a war that will destroy the new earth. Blackwolf, the evil son, is a deformed mutant who is expelled from the community. He seeks to rediscover ancient warfare and destruction technologies in order to exact his revenge and subjugate the world's free peoples. Avatar, the good son, is human and seeks a passive life of non-aggression in order to avoid responsibility for the bloodshed and despair prophesied. Avatar is forced to marshal forces against Blackwolf as a result of his failed attempts to assassinate his brother, leading to the final confrontation.
Released: 1977-02-09