Bread is a British television sitcom scripted by Carla Lane that aired on BBC1 from May 1, 1986 until November 3, 1991. The series followed the devoutly Catholic and extended Boswell family of Liverpool's Dingle district, led by its matriarch Nellie, as they struggled to make their way through life in Thatcher's Britain with no outward sources of support. Elswick Street is the street depicted at the beginning of each program. Lane's previous sitcom The Liver Birds included a family named Boswell, and Lane revealed in interviews that the two families were probably linked. Freddie, Nellie's irresponsible and estranged husband, abandoned her for another woman known as 'Lilo Lill.' Joey, Jack, Adrian, Aveline, and Billy, her children, continued to live in the family house on Kelsall Street and contributed money to the central family fund, primarily through benefit fraud and the sale of stolen property.
Released: 1986-05-01