Kiss Me
Taliw is a cute, lively, but clumsy girl who likes Tenten, a new student with a high IQ of 200. Tenten is a popular genius, and Taliw has a crush on him. Tenten and his family just got back from a trip to Japan. How will Taliw handle the way she feels about Tenten? Sometimes he is nice to her and shows that he cares, but other times he makes fun of her and embarrasses her in front of everyone else. Is it good or bad luck for Taliw that his parents are friends? Is it a good thing or a bad thing that Taliw's house burned down and she had to move in with Tenten? Taliw only likes Tenten, but her good friend King fell in love with her and is doing everything he can to win her heart. Namkang, a girl who is taller, prettier, and brighter than Taliw, is also in love with him. Namkang seems to be just what Tenten needs. What is Taliw going to do about this?
Released: 2015-10-05