An ancient symbol known as a "ouroboros" depicts a snake biting its own tail to represent the concept of infinity. The story, which is based on a well-known comic book, follows a clumsy investigator and a cool gang as they battle the forces of pure evil. Both Ikuo and Tatsuya spent their childhoods in the same children's home in Japan. A police officer who is wearing a gold watch covers up the fact that their favorite teacher, Yuiko, was killed after she was found dead. Ikuo and Tatsuya make a pact with one another to exact revenge on their teacher one day. Twenty years later, brilliant and gorgeous Tatsuya has become one of the top members of a criminal group, while Ikuo is now working as a detective in the second police station in Shinjuku alongside an elite detective named Mizuki, investigating numerous cases.
Released: 2015-01-16