Stitch! is the anime adaptation of the animated feature film Lilo & Stitch and the continuation of Walt Disney Animation Studios' Lilo & Stitch series. It premiered in Japan in October 2008 and is set after leroy and stich. The show features a Japanese girl named Yuna in place of Lilo and is set on a fictitious island in the Ryukyus off the coast of Okinawa, as opposed to Hawaii. The name of the island is Izayoi. On October13,2009, the second season of the anime Stitch! The Mischievous Alien's Great Adventure! began airing in Japan. On July6,2010, TV Asahi broadcasted Stitch! Best Friends Forever, a third anime series that was distinct from the previous two seasons. The first season began airing in English on the Australian Disney Channel on 4 December2009, followed by Disney Channel Asia on 19 December2009, also in English. On May2,2010, the first season launched on Disney Channel Latin America in Latin Spanish dub. On June6,2011, the second season premiered on Disney Channel Latin America. On August20,2012, the third season premiered on Disney Channel Latin America.