The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a 1980 Japanese animated television series directed by Hiroshi Saitô. It is based on Mark Twain's well-known and beloved work The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The series was originally titled "Tom Sawyer no Bken" and aired on Fuji TV's World Masterpiece Theater, which adapted a famous Western book or story each year. It was the series' second installment to include an American author, following 1977's Rascal the Raccoon. Saban International dubbed the series into English, and it premiered on HBO in 1988 under the title "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." It aired at 7:30 a.m., and it was followed by the later WMT version of "Little Women." In the United States, Celebrity Home Entertainment distributed videos under the title "All New Adventures of Tom Sawyer." The anime began showing in the United States in January 2011 on NHK's cable channel TV Japan.
Released: 1980-01-06