Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale - Part 1: The Sun Flag
As he grew up, Mouna Rudo was born and raised by the Seediq people, an indigenous group in Taiwan. He was also a member of the Seediq Bale, a group of native warriors who were very brave and strong. When Japan took over the country in 1895, the way Rudo lives is at risk. It is time for Rudo to fight back against the traditions and honor his people have lost. In1930, he gathers together some former Seediq Bale soldiers who had been reduced to fighting each other, and he molds them into a revolutionary army to fight back against the new rulers. Rudo and his friends fight back against Japanese occupation troops when they show up at a youth athletic event. This leads to a violent fight between the Seediq forces and their oppressors. In Taiwan, Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale-Part1: The Sun Flag is part of a two-part, four-hour version of the movie that's made up of two parts.
Released: 2011-04-09