Being Eileen
Being Eileen is a BBC "heartwarming" comedy-drama that premiered on 4 February and ended on 11 March 2013 as a new six-part series. It premiered on BBC One on December24,2011, with the title Lapland. Due to the success of the single episode, which was viewed by 6.9 million viewers when it first aired, it was announced that it will be expanded into a series called Being Eileen, consisting of six 30-minute episodes. The series broadcast on BBC Two as part of Sign Zone, a show that incorporates sign language throughout. On April1,2013, the series was made available on DVD. The show stars an ensemble cast and is written by Michael Wynne. The show follows Eileen Lewis, the widowed matriarch of a "large, close-knit, and dysfunctional Northern family," and is directed by Sue Johnston, who also plays her. The series focuses on the family's lives in Birkenhead, whereas the single episode focused on their visit to Lapland. Eileen's children are played by Elizabeth Berrington and Stephen Graham, while their partners are William Ash and Julie Graham. With the exception of Stephen Graham and Zawe Ashton, who portrayed Jingle Jill, the whole cast-Johnston, Berrington, Ash, Julie Graham, and Keith Barron, Eileen's love interest-returned for the second season.
Released: 2013-02-04
Duration: N/A