Ben 10
Ben 10 was an American animated television series produced by Cartoon Network Studios and created by Man of Action. The story is about a ten-year-old child named Ben Tennyson who receives an alien technology like a watch called the "Omnitrix." This, which is attached to his wrist, permits him to shift into diverse extraterrestrial creatures. On December 27, 2005, the pilot episode aired as part of a preview of Cartoon Network's Saturday morning lineup. On January 13, 2006, the second episode aired as a special on Cartoon Network's Fridays, and the final regular episode aired on April 15, 2008. The series steadily gained popularity among fans, eventually becoming a franchise, and was nominated for two Emmy Awards, one of which it won for "Outstanding Individual Achievement in Animation." Ben 10 was followed by Ben 10: Alien Force, which was followed by Ben 10: Ultimate Alien in April 2010. Ben 10: Omniverse, a new series, aired in September 2012.
Released: 2005-12-27