Call of the Wildman
Reality television series "Call of the Wildman" airs on Animal Planet in the United States. There is presently a third season of the show on the air. Ernie Brown, Jr., also known as "The Turtleman," is the star of the show, which follows his adventures in the forests of Kentucky. Nuisance animal removal services are provided by Neal James' dog Lolly and Brown's pal, Neal James. The majority of the episodes were shot in and around Brown's hometown of Lebanon, Kentucky. A snapping turtle-hunting prodigy at the age of seven, Brown first caught one in a pond near his house. By posting an episode from Kentucky Educational Television's Kentucky Afield series on YouTube and making it popular, he was brought to the attention of Animal Planet executives. Network executives chose to launch a 12-episode season of The Turtleman of Wild Kentucky after visiting Brown and conducting some initial filming. As a tribute to Brown's characteristic cry, the name was altered to "Call of the Wildman" soon after. A second, 16-episode season of the series, which premiered in June2012, was ordered following its success as Animal Planet's most-watched show during the final three months of 2011. Call of the Wildman: More Live Action was re-released by Animal Planet in October 2012 with additional features and trivia material.
Released: 2011-11-06