Miracles stars Skeet Ulrich and Angus Macfadyen. Creators Richard Hatem and Michael Petroni have called the series a "spiritual X-Files." After the pilot, Angel co-creator David Greenwalt served as executive producer and lead writer for 12 episodes. Miracles follows Paul Callan, a Catholic Church investigator of modern miracles who questions his faith after finding conventional explanations for several incidents. After a true, supernatural miracle saves his life and his conclusions are denied for lack of evidence, Paul leaves the Church and is asked by Alva Keel to join Sodalitas Quaerito, which investigates "unexplainable" phenomena. Paul and Alva try to stop the "darkness" with Evelyn Santos. The show debuted on ABC's "Super Monday" on January 27, 2003. The series was canceled after six episodes on ABC due to low ratings. The final episode drew 5.7 million viewers on March31, 2003. The series was postponed several times throughout its run, once for a replay of Living with Michael Jackson and other times for Iraq War newsmagazine specials. Fans, angry by the cancellation and ABC's mismanagement of the Monday 10:00pm hour, formed a fan effort to resuscitate the show. Fans scribbled letters on napkins and submitted them to networks hoping the show would be restored, but their efforts were fruitless and the show only aired thirteen episodes.
Released: 2003-01-27
Duration: 42